Wednesday, January 17, 2018

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Causes of employee shortages Worker shortages in an organisation could be as a result of: • Sick leave. It’s a common occurrence to have some of your employees fail to turn up for work as a result of illness or injury. These absences are unexpected and will create labour gaps. • Increased demand. Although a good thing, increased demand for your products can cause you to have a labour shortfall, especially if the spike in demand is sudden. This could leave your business shorthanded and overstretched labour-wise. • Annual leave. They might be more predictable than sick leave, but annual leave will also cause you to run into staffing issues as you’ll need to fill the labour gaps created. • Resignation. This is a less common cause of worker shortages, but having an employee resign will create a worker shortfall that could negatively impact operations. • Quick expansion. When your business is growing rapidly, it can be difficult to recruit new employees fast enough to keep up with the growing workload, which will result in a shortage of workers. Finding people to fill these gaps in the workforce can be a difficult task, especially when you have a limited amount of time to do so. With labour hire, however, plugging labour gaps in your business can be a fast and easy task. Your labour hire company will take care of all the recruitment procedures to quickly provide you with a qualified worker who’s ready to begin work immediately. Tomorrow: The Benefits of using a labour hire company to remedy staff shortages Need help filling a labour gap? Contact Blue Collar People: or (08) 92211911

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